Monday, October 5, 2009

Bama Arms

Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day. I'm no exception. Which is why I started to think about taking better care of myself a few months ago. I'm not looking to go on a crazy diet or lose a lot of weight. My main goal is just to get toned and more in shape.

I have changed my eating habits slightly. I have started to eat small snacks every 2.5 hours, but for the most part I haven't changed what I eat. I still have chocolate at least every other day, and I have pizza for dinner at least once a week.

My real focus has been on toning my body with strength exercises. My upper arms, shoulders, and back are my top priority.
Come on who doesn't want arms like hers? I figure that with my strapless dress those three areas will be the most exposed, and I want them to look great.

The second area I want to get in shape is my mid-section. I'm not looking for a six pack. I just want things to be a little smoother and to say good bye to the muffin top.

I walk to and from work everyday, and neither Mr. Camrah nor I have a car. So I do a lot of walking, and as a result my legs are my most toned area. Its too bad no one will see my legs hidden under my dress. :(

So, Plan of Action:

1. I started to exercise more regularly

I have been a fair weather runner for 4 or so years now. I run when I have the time, when I'm not lazy, and when its nice out. Mr. Camrah got a Wii fit this past Christmas, and this helped me to at least do some kind of exercise when I didn't want to run. Mr. Camrah's favorite exercise is DDR, and I occasionally join him for some fun cardio. When I started thinking about toning, I decided to increase my strength exercises and the number of workouts I did through out the week.

I was pretty successful with phase one, but that Windex bottle wasn't going to work as a weight forever. I knew I would have to up my game if I really wanted to see results.

2. I joined a gym

I kind of cheated with this one. I joined the new gym under my apartment.
Okay, my apartment is actually 4 apartments to the left, but you get the idea. I really had no excuse not to join a gym that was right under me. It has been open now for less then a month. I did some online research before my first work out and walked into the gym with my little heart note paper filled with suitable exercises for me to do.

I'll admit it. Gyms kind of intimidate me (especially weights and the machines). No one wants to be the person with the smallest dumb bells while the guy next to you is lifting twice his body weight, but I decided to swallow my pride. I'm telling myself that while I may be the person at the gym using the lightest weights and settings right now, everyone has to start somewhere. Right? It also helps that my gym isn't that big, and they don't have a lot of members. I haven't had to experience using the machine right next to the body builder yet.

Since the Gym just opened, they offered me a free personal trainer session. I've never been one to pass up something for free, and he gave me some important tips about weight training.

-Always warm up. Weight training doesn't raise your heart rate that much. So, you have to raise it before you start. I do three rounds of 30 secs of jumping jacks, 30 secs of shuffle jumps, 30 secs of mountain climbers. According to the trainer, I'm also suppose to do 30 secs of burpies, but they scare me. I'm working my way up to them.

Mountain Climbers

-Squats are really good for a whole body workout. These kind of intimidated me too, but I'm starting to get better at them. I'm still just lifting the bar bell and 2.5lb weights on each side, but everyone has to start somewhere. Right?

-Yoga moves work as cool downs. I like yoga. I think its because it is peaceful, and not nearly as intense on your muscles. Everything is continuous rather than rapid movements. Its nice to end my workouts with something that I like.
This is pretty much my favorite picture ever.
I'm pretty sure I will never be able to do that.

My plan is to alternate between weight training days and cardio days. On my cardio days I still plan to do my warm up and squats, but the rest of the time will be for cardio. I might add the yoga cool down on cardio days if I'm feeling ambitious.

So, is the gym still intimidating to me? Sort of, but only because the trainer is always around because his girlfriend and I have the same workout schedule. I'm always scared that I will do something wrong, but I have to remind myself that he is only trying to help. Yesterday he helped me to figure out how to not arch my back while doing bent over dumbbell. (I have come to the conclusion that the answer to all workout position problems is to stick your butt out.) On an even better note, today is the first day that I am not sore from the gym. Hooray! Looks like I'm starting to improve.

Have you changed any of your routines to get in better shape before your wedding?

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