Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A very Seattle Rehearsal and Welcome drinks

I should probably do another details post or two (OOT or Programs), but I really just want to get on with the recaps already. So, that is what I am going to do.

For your listening pleasure. Play while reading. (It's a long post so there are two songs.)

Thursday brought most of our families to Seattle, and the day was filled with truffle making and family time. By Friday everyone but BV was in town. Friday was nail salons, truffle packaging, and hair practice.

By the time of our rehearsal, I had managed to turn into the common bride. I was too busy to eat or interact that much with anyone, but I had also promised myself to stop worrying once the rehearsal started. I wanted to enjoy everything; not dwell on the little details that were going to go wrong. I had other people to worry for me, and I'm pleased to say that for the most part my "no worries once the rehearsal starts" plan was a success. This is clearly evident by the fact that I never gave my camera a second thought. I didn't take one picture the whole weekend. All the pictures I have are "stolen" from friends or family.

When it was time to go to the church, I was dressed ready and had all the stuff to drop off.
me, my Mom, and Sister/MOH ready to head to the church

Me and Aunt G

On our way to the church for the rehearsal

The church was 2 blocks from the hotel, but the walk is two blocks up a steep Seattle hill. It was a little hard to get grandpa there. So when we got there we...

H2 helping grandpa

SAT. But it wasn't all because of grandpa.
Our flower girls (G&E) waiting for the show to start

We were on time, yet someone else wasn't
The boys

Coming from the tux shop the boys ran into some traffic. My Uncle kindly asked if there was a bar near the church called "Traffic" that the boys might be "stuck in." Luckily we pushed that dinner reservation back a week before.

Twenty minutes after 5:30 the boys finally got to the church.
We started at the front of the church.
I was clearly preoccupied by my ribbon bouquet my aunt made while I was getting ready for the rehearsal.
"What's that? Oh, yes I'm paying attention RD."

The girls

The boys

We practiced the exit and were corralled at the back to get more of the logistics down.
I'm pretty sure that at this point everyone just wants to go to dinner.

"My grandma's ring (my something borrowed) looks supper weird on my finger."

Then I practiced my walk down the aisle.
And just for fun more flower girl pictures because can you ever really have too many FG pictures.
G working the ribbon bouquet
G&E with their mom

We went to Seattle's famous fish restaurant, Ivar's. Do we have any picture evidence of it. 1.
Me with bridesmaids H1 & H2

Yes we failed at the dinner pictures. Somewhere there is a lost picture of the FGs and me looking onto the water. Oh well. We (or should I say C) failed at the gifts too. He forgot his gifts to the groomsmen and his dad at the hotel. He walked back while the rest of us were starting a round of drinks.

After a decadent fish dinner, a few of us headed to the bookstore bar 2 blocks up. While we were walking up, I saw some blond, fluffy hair through the window. This hair looked very familiar, but this hair belonged in England not Seattle. So there I was running and screaming in downtown Seattle, "What is that hair, What is that hair"
"Wait I'm not suppose to be in this pic. Let me get out of it!"
AM, JB/BM, and a slightly scared me

The hair belonged to AM, and the hair did indeed belong in England. The hair traveled all the way from England to surprise us. The hair was lucky enough to make it on a plane right before the Iceland ash shut down Heathrow.

Even though my first thoughts were, "Where is she going to sit. What is she going to eat?" AM had it all figured out. She messaged C's sister (and probably wrote a novel about her life story. She's a writer. Go figure.) in order to get her to reserve an extra seat. It ended up perfectly, and I'm so happy she was able to make it. It was amazing.

More pics?
C, OM/GM, and me. OM and I kind of look like a couple, but that's just gross. he's my lil bro. Can't you see the family resemblance?

"Wait guys. I'm not ready"~JB

"These are my B*tches"~JB

At this point it was time for me to call it a night. The boys drove me home and spent the rest of the night at our "Cheers." They even got C to smoke a cigar that night. He had never smoked... ANYTHING before that night.

Don't get stuck in "Traffic" again boys. Tomorrows the big day!

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